Hy-Vee Reusable Bag Program
All Saints Lutheran Church Food & Clothing Closet has been selected by local Hy-Vee store leadership as the benefiting non-profit in the Reusable Bag Program!
For the month of November, All Saints Lutheran Church Food & Clothing Closet will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable red “My Heart” Bag at the Hy-Vee store located at 1823 East Kimberly Road, Davenport IA.

Day Light Savings Time Ends
Day light savings time ends on Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 2:00 am. Don’t forget to set your clock accordingly (if your clock doesn’t do that automatically) before you head to bed on Saturday night.

All Saints Sunday – November 1
On All Saints Sunday, November 1, we will be remembering those loved ones that have gone before us. If you have a name that you would like to have read and candle lit during the worship service please email/call/text Laura at lauralmccreery@gmail.com or 563-343-0545 with the name(s) by Sunday, October 25. You can always add a name the morning of as well.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation class will meet Sundays November 1, 8, 15, & 22 after worship. This class is led by Pastor Pokora.
All Saints Worship Planning Team
The All Saints Worship Planning Team will meet on Wednesday, November 4 at 5:30 pm to plan the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
Sunday, November 22
Volunteers are needed after worship for 15 – 30 minutes to get decorations down from the loft in the kitchenette and store in the stairwell in preparation of decorating the church for the Advent/Christmas season.
Thanksgiving Worship
There will be a Thanksgiving Worship Service Tuesday, November 22 at 7:00 pm.

Church Decorating
Volunteers are needed on Saturday, November 28 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm to decorate the church for the seasons of Advent and Christmas.