Not “contemporary” or “traditional.” Just worship.
All Saints makes a joyful noise with voices, drums, piano, guitars, organ, and keyboards. Worship is where all kinds of people learn to be who they are–God’s beloved.
All kinds of saints.
All Saints is a congregation of all kinds of people, including people who are young and old and people with special needs and autism. Quiet times can be noisy. Still times can be busy. At all times, God in Christ Jesus is with us. “Us” means everyone, no exceptions.
Participation, not perfection.
All Saints’ people believe worship–like the life of faith–is about participation, not perfection. God gathers us in love, to participate in love in worship. And God sends us in love, to participate in love in daily life.
Come and see.
All Saints’ worships on Sundays at 10:00 am, on Jersey Ridge Road in Davenport, just south of 53rd Street.