Prayers of the Church for Sunday, May 10
Uplifted by the promised hope of healing and resurrection, we join the people of God in all times and places in praying for the church, the world, and all who are in need.
Build us up, mothering God, as living stones united in your spiritual house. Continually strengthen your church as it is sent forth to proclaim your love. We pray especially for new congregations and those in redevelopment. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Humble us, creator God, as part of your creation. Fill us with respect and awe for the world you have made, including volcanoes, ocean currents, tropical rainstorms, glaciers, and other forces that both destroy and create. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Align our ways to your love, O God. We pray for countries, leaders, and other organizations as they prepare places for those seeking refuge and safety. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of healing and rest, help those whose hearts are heavy and weighed down by many troubles. Comfort their suffering, ease their distress, and carry their burdens. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Nurturing God, we pray for those who tend and teach young children, for the safe pregnancies of expectant parents, and for families who struggle with infertility and miscarriage. We give thanks for all who have shown mothering care, and we remember all for whom this day is difficult. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Generous God, you call into your brilliant light all who have died. Give us faith to take hold of the promise of your eternal life. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
With bold confidence in your love, almighty God, we place all for whom we pray into your eternal care; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Worship Information for May 10
In light of the recent developments with Covid-19 and social distancing it, Pastor Pokora will lead worship with scripture, message, and prayer on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am from his living room to your living room via Facebook live. The music for the service will be live streamed the day before (Amazed, Alabaster, ELW #377 Alleluia! Jesus is Risen, ELW #758 You Are the Way, and Lay Me Down).
After Sunday worship services we will meet, via a video conference, in the Zoom app. To participate in the video conference, you will need to download, install, and create an account in Zoom on either your mobile device (phone/tablet) or on a computer/laptop that you would like to use.
To join a Zoom meeting: Open app on your device of choice; Sign-In; Click join; Enter the meeting ID number; Click Join meeting; Enter the password; Click OK; Click Join with Video; The meeting host will then let you in
To leave the Zoom meeting: Click leave; Click leave meeting
Join Zoom Meeting: Information for Sunday, May 10
Meeting ID: 752 9720 4134
Password: 7DVKEk
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