E-weekly Deadline
The deadline to get articles or information into the e-weekly is Mondays at noon. Please e-mail the information to the church office (office@allsaintsdavenport.org). Thanks.
Worship Planning Meeting
The Worship Planning team will meet on Monday, March 30 at 5:30 pm in the library to plan the season of Easter (April 12 – May 24).
Note: The following services are pending whether they will be led online or in the sanctuary.
Sunday, April 5 – Palm Sunday
10:30 am Worship will begin in the gathering space (if we are able to safely worship together)
Thursday, April 9 – Maundy Thursday
This worship service will include Holy Communion, the washing of hands/feet, and stripping of the altar and will be at 7:00 pm (if we are able to safely worship together).
Friday, April 10 – Good Friday
This worship service will be at 7:00 pm (if we are able to safely worship together).
Sunday, April 12 – Easter Sunday
(if we are able to safely worship together)
9:00 am Easter Breakfast
9:30 am children’s Easter egg hunt
10:30 am Worship