From the Council


The 2020 average monthly amount budgeted for Undesignated Donations (Anticipated) for Ministry Investment is $7,667. You donated $6,667 in February.

You donated $115 to mortgage reduction in January. Since inception, a total of $89,507 has been donated to the (Happy Hearts – Hopeful Future) debt reduction campaign.

The mortgage balance was $139,061.72 as of 02.29.2020.

Elected Positions

Every spring at the semi-annual congregation meeting (in May) the voting members present will vote on elected positions that are available. If you are feeling led by God to hold one of these positions (either returning or new), please let any member of the Executive Council (Julie, Liz, and Jim) or the current Nominating Committee (Amanda, Barb, Steve, and Wanda) know.

Executive Council

President (1 person/2-year term)

Vice-President (1 person/2-year term)

Financial Officer (1 person/2-year term)

Congregation Council

 The Congregation Council consists of the Pastor, Executive council (President, Vice-President, and Financial Officer), Team Lead from Worship Ministry Team (chosen by the worship ministry team), Team Lead from Proclamation Ministry Team (chosen by the proclamation ministry team), and Team Lead from the Service Ministry Team (chosen by the service ministry team).

 Worship Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)

The Worship Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Worship Committee, the Property Committee, and the Stewardship Committee.

Proclamation Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)

The Proclamation Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Education Committee, the Outreach Committee, and the Hospitality Committee.

Service Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)

The Service Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Social Ministry Committee, the Small Group, Youth Committee, and the Visitation Committee.

Audit Committee (3 people/1-year term)

Nominating Committee (6 people/1-year term)

Synod Representatives (2 people/1-year term)