Let Your Heart Shine. These are the words to guide us this Epiphany season. Advent is a time of preparing for Christ to enter the world, Christmas is our time to celebrate that he has entered the world, and Epiphany is our time see how Christ shines in our world. Christ has come into the world to make God’s love known to all of us. In his life, death and resurrection we see God’s plan for the world unfold. The Holy Spirit is given to us by Christ, and Christ now lives in our hearts.
In the season of Epiphany, we see God’s love shining through Jesus in special ways. Jesus is baptized, Jesus is named as the Lamb of God, Jesus is transformed on the mountain. In Epiphany, Jesus tells his followers to be a light to the world and salt for the earth. The light of Christ has entered the world and has entered our hearts. Now is the time to let our lights shine. Now is the time to let our hearts shine. We are filled with the light and love of Christ, and it should be evident to others in how we live our lives. Our hearts have been made new. We are called, like those first disciples to be salt for the earth and light for the world. So, in this season of Epiphany, let your hearts shine with the love of God.