Lent Worship Schedule

The Lent Worship schedule at All Saints Lutheran Church will be as follows:

Wednesday, February 26 – Ash Wednesday

This worship service will include Holy Communion and the Distribution of Ashes and will be at 7:00 pm. Pastor Richard Pokora as our supply pastor for this worship service.

Wednesdays during Lent – March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1

There will be a supper prior to worship at 6:15 pm in the gathering space. There is a sign-up sheet to help with the meal each week. For worship we will be using the Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. These worship services will be lay led.

Thursday, April 9 – Maundy Thursday

This worship service will include Holy Communion, the washing of hands/feet, and stripping of the altar and will be at 7:00 pm.

Friday, April 10 – Good Friday

This worship service will be at 7:00 pm.