Day Light Savings Time Ends
Day light savings time ends on Sunday, November 3 at 2:00 am. Don’t forget to set your clock accordingly before you head to bed on Saturday night.
All Saints Sunday
Sunday, November 3 is All Saints Sunday and during worship we will remember those who have passed with the reading of names and candle lighting. Please sign your loved one’s name on the sign-up sheet located on the kiosk in the gathering space before Sunday, November 3.
Together in Christ Parish Bible Study
On Mondays during the month of November (November 4, 11, 18, & 25) the Together in Christ Parish will have a joint weekly Bible Study. The topic for the month will be: A book study on “Everything happens for a reason: And other lies I’ve loved” by Kate Bowler. This book can be found at many Quad City libraries and major booksellers. This study will take place at St James Lutheran Church (1705 Oak Street, Bettendorf) at 5:30 pm.
All Saints Worship Planning Team
The All Saints Worship Planning Team will meet on Wednesday, November 13 at 6:00 pm in the library.
Together in Christ Parish Board
The Together in Christ Parish Board will meet on Tuesday, November 19 at 5:30 pm in the All Saints library to plan the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
Church Decorating
On Sunday, November 24 directly following worship, we will gather to decorate the church for the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Please plan on staying after worship to help. More information to come.
Thanksgiving Worship Service
The Together in Christ Parish will have a joint Thanksgiving worship service on Tuesday, November 26 at St James Lutheran Church (1705 Oak Street, Bettendorf). Pie Fest TBD