A couple of Sundays ago as I was sitting in the pew listening to the beautiful prelude Wanda was playing, I glanced over at the newly painted alter scape that Julie had just completed. WOW——-to me the message couldn’t be any clearer. The cross, and you and I humbly kneeling and coming before it. The words of a song we sing often in church came to mind: Jesus take me as I am, For I can come No other Way, take me deeper into you, make my flesh life melt away. Make me like a precious stone, crystal clear and finely honed.
WAIT———I see more than the cross and the person kneeling in front of it——-I see, ever so slightly, Jesus shining through.
The last stunning picture that Julie had painted of Jesus hadn’t been entirely covered up—-it was shining through. And it was PERFECT——–
You and me humbly coming before God at the cross and the whole time Jesus is shining through. No matter what, no matter where we are in our lives, no matter how we come to the cross, we can come no other way, we are who we are because Jesus died on that cross for us, and he is always there, ever present.
Take Me Jesus as I am
For I can come no other way
Light of Jesus Shining Through,
Giving Glory Back to You.