October Happenings

Together in Christ Parish Joint Worship

Sunday, October 6 there will be a joint worship service at St James Lutheran Church @ 9:00 am. Note: no activities at All Saints Lutheran Church 

CROP Hunger Walk

It’s time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of CROP Hunger Walks in the United States! We are so excited to be part of this national effort. Here are the details for the 2019 Quad Cities CROP Hunger Walk:

✰ Sunday, October 6, 2019
✰ Registration beginning at 1:00 p.m. or pre-registration on the website
✰ Starting at the Freight House Farmers’ Market complex at 2:00 p.m.
✰ A collection of peanut butter and jelly again this year
✰ New: A complete river route!

For more information see the flyer on the kiosk in the gathering space.

Together in Christ Parish Joint Bible Study

During the month of October, the Together in Christ Parish will have a weekly Bible study on Monday evenings at 5:30 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church. The topic will be The Bible and social justice. All are welcome so, invite your friends.