Summer 2019
In 2020 the Southeastern Iowa Synod will elect a new bishop. The Synod Ministry Profile Committee, appointed by the Synod Council, is conducting a survey to better understand the ministry setting of this synod.
The results of this survey will be used in the formation of the synod’s ministry site profile which will be made available to everyone in the synod. This profile will be used in the call process and the election of a new bishop at the 2020 Synod Assembly which will be held May 1-3, 2020.
The synod needs your help!
Let us know what you think by taking the 15-minute survey online ( The survey will be open for responses from July 8 until August 9.
Other ways to help
- Pray for the synod and its congregations as we begin the election process
- Pray for people who are discerning the call to be bishop
- Stay informed and ask questions visit