Clothing Closet Workday
Today, June 5 there is a clothing closet work day beginning at 9:30 am. There are several bags worth of recent donations that need to be sorted and put out. If you have questions, contact Sheryn.
Together in Christ Parish Joint Worship
Sunday, June 9, 2019 the Together in Christ Parish (All Saints and St James) will worship together at one service at 10:30 am at All Saints Lutheran Church. There will be fellowship time of coffee and donuts before worship beginning at 9:30 am.
Summer Faith Formation
Come and learn this summer about the foundations of our faith. This is for all ages, and will include lessons, activities and a dinner at each session. Come and learn for the first time or for a refresher on these faith practices. Please RSVP as you are able on the kiosk in the gathering space.
The June focus will be: What is with worship?
Come and learn what and why we do what we do on Sunday morning.
Sunday, June 9th at St. James 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Wednesday, June 12th at All Saints 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm – canceled due to low sign up
Emanuel Documentary
How can forgiveness follow a hate crime that left nine dead? “Emanuel” tells the story of the 2015 shooting at Emanuel AME Church, interviewing the survivors and families of the victims.
Davenport: Showing Wednesday, June 19, 7:00 pm, at Davenport 53 Theater. Get your tickets and join the group of Lutherans from several congregations to watch “Emanuel” followed by a group discussion at All Saints Lutheran (5002 Jersey Ridge Rd) in Davenport.
Royal Ball Run for Autism
The Royal Ball for All Carnival and Fun Run will beFriday, June 21, 2019 at The Camden Centre in Milan, IL. The fun run is at 6:30 pm and the carnival is from 5 – 8 pm.
The Royal Ball Heroes and Highnesses Autism Walk is at 7:30 am. The Royal Ball Run 5K and 5-mile run will be on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 8 am. All races start & check in is at the 4th street entrance to Hy-Vee in Milan. To register or look at the race map go to
If you would like to sign up to volunteer during the Royal Ball Run for Autism events: The Royal Ball for All Carnival and the Royal Ball Run 5K and 5 Mile Race & Walk, please visit the following link (you might need to cut and paste in your browser):