January Happenings

Volunteer sign-up

The 1st quarter volunteer sign-up sheets are on the clipboards hanging on the kiosk in the gathering space. Please sign up where you can (don’t hesitate to take the clipboard down to make it easier to write)!

Below is a brief explanation of what each job entails –

Greeters – Open doors and say hello to people. They ask/remind guest(s) to fill out a connector card and answer questions like “Where is the restroom?” They are a friendly face to new people and regulars alike.

Ushers – Open doors (or stand by a door you propped open) and pass out bulletins. Help guests feel comfortable entering our worship space and make sure they have what they need to join in our worship of God. Answer questions like “Where is the restroom?” and “Who is welcome at communion?” Collect the offering and usher for communion.

Assisting Minister – Assist in leading worship by lighting the candles, reading written prayers and scripture readings as well as lead the Affirmation of Faith.

Communion Assistant – Help distribute Holy Communion.

Altar Care – Change paraments as needed and set up communion before worship and clean up communion after worship.

Projectionist – Sit at the computer to run the projection during worship as well as record the audio of the worship service. If you aren’t sure how to do this, please ask Kristen or Julie.

Fellowship Time – Provide a few snacks from cheese and crackers, breakfast casserole, donuts, bread (banana, blueberry, strudel, etc.), or cookies. Prepare hot water, lemonade, and make coffee before worship and clean up kitchenette afterwards.

Food Pantry and Clothing Closet – Work during the hours on a Saturday when the food pantry and clothing closet are open (1 – 3 pm). On a typical Saturday one person is needed to register people (at the computer), one person is needed to hand out boxes (at the table), one person is needed to load boxes with food to hand out (in the food pantry room), and one person is needed to monitor the clothing closet.

People are also needed to pick-up donated bread from Hy-Vee on Devils Glenn Road in Bettendorf and fill the shelves before the doors are open. A person/people are also needed to take any left-over bread to a shelter.

Transportation – One of our church members is in need of a ride to and from church on a weekly basis. Are you able to pick up or take them home?

Property Maintenance – The worship ministry team (worship, property and stewardship) would like help removing snow from all the sidewalks and putting salt down on the sidewalks when needed. The church hires Bob’s Blacktop to take care of the parking lot during the winter, but they do not do anything with the sidewalks. This would not only be for Sunday mornings, but during the week as needed as well. We have different organizations that use our facilities during the week.

Thank you all for the various ways you serve our congregation.  

Bible Study

The Together in Christ Parish will have Bible Study on Monday evenings during the month of January at 6:00 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church. “Disciples Unsupervised – A study on the book of Acts” is the focus for the month. 

Fellowship Saturday

The Proclamation Ministry Team at All Saints invites you to a game night on Saturday, January 12 from 4 – 7 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church (5002 Jersey Ridge Road, Davenport) in the gathering space. Bring your own snacks/beverages for the evening of fun and fellowship.

Joint Worship

The Together in Christ Parish will hold a Joint Worship Service Sunday, January 20th at 9:00 am at St. James Lutheran Church (1705 Oak Street, Bettendorf). There will be no activities at All Saints Lutheran Church. Directly following worship, St. James will hold their annual meeting.