Bible Study
The Together in Christ Parish will have Bible Study on Thursday evenings during the month of February at 5:30 pm at St. James Lutheran Church. The study is still to be determined.
Quilting/Sewing Group
The quilting and sewing group meet on Saturday mornings beginning at 9:30 am. If you would like to learn how to sew or quilt or just have an interest in having a dedicated time to work on projects join us on Saturday mornings in the gathering space. All are welcome.
Fellowship Saturday
The Proclamation Ministry Team is looking for host(s) for the February 9th Fellowship Saturday event from 4 – 7 pm. The host decides the theme and coordinates set up and clean up for the event. Contact Laura ( if you are able to help or have ideas!
Planning for the future
Ever wondered about planning for the future? Confused about a will, estate planning or planned giving? The Lutheran Services of Iowa will be hosting a seminar for Together in Christ Parish Sunday, February 17 at 1:15 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church (sanctuary) on these very topics. All are invited to come and learn more.