During the long season of Pentecost, we are given time to reflect on the creative love of God, Jesus’ ministry and miracles, and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the one true God incarnate, he has made God visible to us. Throughout this time, we are given reminders of the ways that God calls us to live visible faith.
The demands of our lives take more and more each day. Everywhere we look we are being asked to do more with less. Needs abound, and God is gracious in providing. In moments like these, we are called to visible faith.
Life often hurts. The pain of the past, the concerns of the present, worries about the future all become heavy burdens we bear. When God seems invisible, we are called to visible faith.
God draws near when we gather to worship and praise. In the sacraments, of communion and baptism, God is made visible. We are filled with joy and gratitude through these graces. Through worship, we are called to visible faith.
We are the ones to bear the gospel to the world. Jesus left us with the great commission to share the Good News with all people. We are often one of the “gospels” someone will read. How we live and love shows Jesus to the world, because of this, we are called to visible faith.
Jesus shows us the power of his name through signs and wonders, promising to be living food and water for all those who hunger and thirst. The beauty of creation stands as witness to God’s creative energy. We can see God’s fingerprints on all of creation. We leave our own marks on God’s earth, because of this, we are called to visible faith.
Jesus came to make the invisible God visible. We are called to continue.
Julie, thank you for the beautiful Altarscape!