This Week and Beyond – August 1st

This Week

Wednesday, August 1st
9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pastor Amy Office Hours @ St. James
5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)

Thursday, August 2nd
9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pastor Amy Office Hours @ All Saints

Friday, August 3rd
Pastor Amy Out of the Office

Saturday, August 4th
9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)
1 – 3 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Sunday, August 5th – Time after Pentecost
9:00 am Ardor rehearsal (sanctuary)
10:30 am Worship – Guest Preacher, Deacon Terese TouVelle (sanctuary)
11:30 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)

Monday, August 6th
No Office Hours for Pastor Amy
5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)

Tuesday, August 7th
1:00 – 5:00 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ All Saints
6:00 pm Sound Reach Fall Session (sanctuary)
6:30 pm Together in Christ Parish Board meeting @ St. James



Wednesday, August 8th
9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pastor Amy Office Hours @ St. James
5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)

Thursday, August 9th
5:00 – 7:00 pm CROP Walk Open House / Recruiters’ Rally @ First Lutheran Church in Moline, IL

Saturday, August 11th
9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)
9:30 am Quilting/Sewing Group (gathering space)
1 – 3 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Sunday, August 12th – Time after Pentecost
9:00 am Ardor rehearsal (sanctuary)
10:30 am Worship (sanctuary)
11:30 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)

Wednesday, August 15th
5:30 pm Worship Planning Meeting (library) *Note date change*

Friday, August 17th
6:30 pm Together in Christ Parish “The Shack” viewing @ All Saints (sanctuary)

Tuesday, August 21st
6:30 pm Council meeting (library)

Monday, September 3rd
Labor Day – Office Closed

Tuesday, September 4th
6:00 pm Salvation Army Meal Site

Sunday, September 16th
6:30 pm Together in Christ Pariah Board meeting @ All Saints (library)

Saturday, October 20th
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Gathering Space Reserved

Tuesday, October 23rd
6:00 pm Sound Reach Fall Session Concert (sanctuary)