This Week and Beyond – May 23rd

This Week

Wednesday, May 23rd
9 am – 1 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ St. James
5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)
6:30 pm Together in Christ Parish – Community Social Ministry Outreach Project planning meeting @ St. James

Thursday, May 24th
9 am – 1 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ All Saints
5:45 pm Together in Christ Parish “The Shack” book study @ All Saints

Friday, May 25th
9 am – 1 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ St. James

Saturday, May 26th
9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)
1 – 3 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Sunday, May 27th – Holy Trinity
9:00 am Ardor rehearsal (sanctuary)
9:45 am Men’s Choir rehearsal (sanctuary)
10:30 am Worship (sanctuary)
11:30 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)

Monday, May 28th
Memorial Day
No Office Hours for Pastor Amy
5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)

Tuesday, May 29th
1 – 5 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ All Saints

Wednesday, May 30th
9 am – 1 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ St. James
5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall) 

Thursday, May 31st
9 am – 1 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ All Saints
5:45 pm Together in Christ Parish “The Shack” book study @ All Saints

Friday, June 1st
9 am – 1 pm Pastor Amy’s Office Hours @ St. James

Saturday, June 2nd
9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba (fellowship hall)
1 – 3 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet
3:00 – 5:00 pm Pastor’s Post Wedding Celebration @ St. James

Sunday, June 3rd – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 am Ardor rehearsal (sanctuary)
10:30 am Worship
11:30 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)
4:00 pm Pastor Amy – Continuing Education

Monday, June 4th – Friday, June 8th
Pastor Amy out of the office – continuing education

Tuesday, June 5th
6:00 pm Sound Reach Summer Session (sanctuary)
6:00 pm Salvation Army Meal Site (301 W. 6th St., Dav.)

Sunday, June 17th
Father’s Day

Tuesday, June 19th
6:30 pm Council meeting (library)

Friday, June 22nd
5 – 8 pm Royal Ball for All Carnival and Fun Run @ The Camden Centre, Milan, IL

Saturday, June 23rd
7:30 – 10 :00 am Royal Ball Run for Autism Walk, 5K, and 5-mile Run, Milan, IL

Sunday, June 24th
Faith and Fellowship Night at the Ballpark

Wednesday, July 4th
Independence Day

Tuesday, July 24th
6:00 pm Sound Reach Summer Session concert (sanctuary)

Friday, July 27th
5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal (sanctuary)

Saturday, July 28th
No QC Studio Z – Zumba
3:00 pm Wedding (sanctuary)
4:00 pm Wedding Reception (fellowship hall)

Monday, September 3rd
Labor Day