In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

Food Pantry Grant Received

The All Saints Food Pantry received a $1,000.00 grant from the Iowa 80/CAT Scale Go Iowa Endowment. Liz Bruns, who works for Iowa 80 Group, spear headed us receiving this grant. Thank you, Liz and Iowa 80 Group!!!!

ELCA Good Gift Angel Tree

This Service Ministry Team decided to do ELCA Good Gift angel tags on the angel tree. This Sunday will be the last Sunday to participate. Please consider picking an angel, placing the amount in the envelope and then the envelope in the offering plate. These gifts will truly be life changing for the families receiving them.

Hat and Mitten Tree

Please consider purchasing hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for those that are in need and place them in the gathering space on the tree.


Thank you to all that have purchased a poinsettia in memory of a loved one.  If you have not paid for the poinsettia yet, please place your payment in the offering plate (marked clearly).  Thank you!

You may take your plant home at the end of the Christmas season.

Volunteer Opportunities

Check out the “Many Hands Make Light Work!” side of the kiosk in the gathering space to sign-up for various volunteer opportunities. The 2018, 1st Quarter, sheets will be out soon.