Sunday, August 18th Information
Helpers are needed on Sunday mornings! Are you able to help?
Assisting Minister – Ed
Projection – ___
Sound Board Operator – Kirk
Camera Operator – ___
Attendance – ___
Offering Helpers (2) – ___
Altar Care – Marilyn
Counters (2) – ___ & ___
Communion Helpers (2) – Marilyn & Ed
Musicians – Matt, Kristen, Scott, Wanda, Micah (others?)
Children’s Message – ___
Fellowship Time Treats – Anne
Fellowship Time Set-up & Clean-up – ___
Worship Musicians (Ardor)
The musicians for worship can find the service orders and music in the crate on the back pew in the sanctuary for each week of the month. The musicians rehearse from 9:00 – 9:45 am every Sunday morning. All are welcome! Contact the office if you plan to help lead worship.
Worship Information
Join us in-person or via Facebook live for the Worship Service at 10 am on Sunday where we will celebrate the 14th Sunday after Pentecost.
If you would like the words for the worship service, contact the office ( to request the information.
Pentecost Summer Theme
Empowered by the Spirit, we live by faith
Theme Write-up written by Matthew Reece, Director of Music Ministries
Our first Pentecost worship theme, “Empowered by the Spirit, we live by faith,” explores the profound connection between the empowering work of the Holy Spirit and the sustaining presence of Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life. This theme invites us to reflect on the teachings of Jesus. Just as bread sustains physical life, Jesus nourishes the soul and empowers believers to live out their faith through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Through word and song, prayers and reflections, we are encouraged to deepen our understanding of how the Spirit enables us to abide in Christ and to embody his teachings in their daily lives. The theme underscores the vital role of faith as the conduit through which the Spirit empowers believers to live authentically and fruitfully as disciples of Jesus. As we engage with this theme, we are invited to partake in the spiritual nourishment offered by Christ, finding sustenance and strength to navigate life’s challenges with courage, hope, and unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness.
Julie, Thank you for the beautiful altarscape for the season.
Introduction Copyright © 2024 Augsburg Fortress.
In Sunday’s gospel many people take offense at Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh and drink his blood; even many of Jesus’ disciples peel off. This is the backdrop in John’s gospel for Peter’s confession of faith. “To whom can we go?” asks Peter, in words we sometimes sing just before the gospel is read. “You have the words of eternal life.” In order to take such a stand, as Peter and Joshua did, Paul tells us to arm ourselves with the word of God. We pray in the Spirit that we might be bold ambassadors of the gospel.
Prayer of the Day
Holy God, your word feeds your people with life that is eternal. Direct our choices and preserve us in your truth, that, renouncing what is false and evil, we may live in you, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Scripture Introductions (2 read on Sunday morning) Copyright © 2024 Augsburg Fortress.
- Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18
In the Near East, covenant means “agreement” or “alliance.” It describes relationships and is the primary word used to characterize the relationship between God and Israel. By delivering Israel, God has already begun the relationship. Joshua calls upon the people to respond.
- Psalm 34:15-22
The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous. (Ps. 34:15)
- Ephesians 6:10-20
Like a general giving a rousing speech to troops before battle, this letter closes by calling on Christians to be equipped for spiritual warfare against evil. The full armor of God includes truth, righteousness, peace, faith, the gift of salvation, and the word of God inspired by the Spirit.
- John 6:56-69
The “hard saying” that offends Jesus’ disciples is his claim that his followers must eat his flesh and drink his blood. The followers who return to their old lives know something about how odd this sounds. Simon Peter, on the other hand, knows something about the scarcity of living, gracious words. He asks the most important question: “To whom shall we go?”
Fellowship Time
You are invited to stay after worship for refreshments and fellowship time in the gathering space.