August Information

QC Studio Z

QC Studio Z offers Zumba classes in the fellowship hall at church. They have classes on Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:45 to 6:45 pm. For more information visit their website:

Food Pantry & Clothing Closet


The food pantry & clothing closet serve 125+ families (average of 4 people per household) each and every week while they are open to the public from 11 am – 1 pm. Several volunteers are needed during this time as well as throughout the week to prepare.

Weekly Food Load

Volunteers are needed on Fridays to help pick up the food order from River Bend Food Bank at 8:30 am and to unload and put away the order at 9:00 am at All Saints.

Note: The 2nd Friday of the month is the River Bend Food Bank delivery at 9:00 am at the church. This is typically a larger load.

Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations

Donations are accepted Fridays from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Monetary donations can be mailed to the church office.

2024-2025 Program Year

The start of the 2024-2025 school is just around the corner. 

Sunday School will start after Labor Day. Watch the newsletter and bulletin for further information about Sunday School and an adult Bible Study. 

If you are willing to help teach Sunday School, lead a Bible study, or have suggestions for a Bible study, please contact Marilyn at 563.343.2623 or on the Proclamation Ministry Team.

Council Meeting

The Council will meet on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 pm in the church library for their monthly meeting.