Miscellaneous Information/News

From the Director of Communications (Church Office)


The Director of Communications will be out of the office May 31 – June 10, 2024. Please contact Julie, the church council president, if you need assistance with anything. She will be checking the mail and answering machine during this time.

E-weekly and Bulletins

Please have items for the Wednesday e-weekly and Sunday morning bulletin and announcements to the office by 8 am Mondays.


The kiosk in the gathering space has a wealth of information on it. Some of the information found on the kiosk is council minutes, e-weekly, mailings, events that are happening in the church or the community, etc. All Saints Lutheran Church wouldn’t be here without you! How can you help fulfill the mission of All Saints Lutheran Church throughout the week? Take a look at the kiosk and sign-up!

Devotional Booklets

The “Our Daily Bread” booklets for June – August are available in the gathering space for you.


Do you wish to become a member of All Saints Lutheran Church? Please let the office know by sending an email to: office@allsaintsdavenport.org.


Congratulations to all that are graduating from High School or College this spring!

Congratulations to Tyler Holtan who will graduate from Black Hawk Special Education Center in May.

Helping Hands Fund

All Saints Lutheran Church has established a “Helping Hands” fund to help families in need. If you would like to donate to this fund, please indicate Helping Hands on the memo line. Thank you for your generous support!

Thank you!

Thank you to all who work tirelessly throughout the week doing various things whether helping lead worship, helping with the food pantry and clothing closet, property maintenance, or anything else around or for the church. Your work and time are very much appreciated!

THANK YOU! from the All Saints Lutheran Church Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Thank you to all who generously donate their time and money to the to the Food Pantry & Clothing Closet to help fight hunger in the area. Without your generous support we would not be able to serve those that have food insecurities in Scott County and beyond!

From the Director of Music Ministries

Do you play an instrument or sing? Would you like to help lead all or part of worship on Sunday mornings? If so, please contact Matt, the Director of Music Ministries.