QC Studio Z
QC Studio Z offers Zumba classes in the fellowship hall at church. They have classes on Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:45 to 6:45 pm. For more information visit their website: https://www.qcstudioz.com/
Wednesday Bible Study
Join Pastor Pokora on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm via the application Zoom to study the word for the following Sunday. The information to join today: meeting id 792 2125 9117and password 4yqq58
Food Pantry & Clothing Closet
Saturdays: The food pantry & clothing closet serve 100+ families each and every week while they are open to the public from 11 am – 1 pm. Several volunteers are needed during this time as well as throughout the week to prepare.
Weekly Food Load: Volunteers are needed this Friday, May 10th to help unload and put away the food order from the River Bend Food Bank delivery at 9 am at All Saints.
Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations: Donations are accepted Fridays from 9 am – 12 pm and Saturdays from 9 am – 11 am. Monetary donations can be mailed to the church office.
Sunday, May 12th Information
Volunteers Needed
Helpers are needed for worship. Please see the kiosk at church or e-mail the office to see where you can help.
This Sunday: Assisting Minister – Ed; Projection – ____; Sound Board Operator – Kirk; Camera Operator – Bonnie; Attendance – ____; Offering Helpers – ____; Altar Care – Marilyn; Counters – ___; Musicians – Matt, Kristen, & Wanda (others?); Sunday School – Marilyn
Worship Musicians (Ardor)
The musicians for worship can find the service orders and music in the crate on the back pew in the sanctuary for each week of the month. The musicians will rehearse from 9:00 – 9:45 am every Sunday morning. All are welcome! Contact the office if you plan to help lead worship.
Sunday School
The Sunday school classes (youth and adult) meet on Sundays at 9 am. The last Sunday for Sunday school for the program year 2023 – 2024 is Sunday, May 19th.
Worship Information
Join us in-person or via Facebook live for the Worship Service at 10 am on Sunday where we will celebrate the 6th Sunday of Easter. If you would like the words for the worship service, contact the office (office@allsaintsdavenport.org) to request the information.
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Introduction Copyright © 2024 Augsburg Fortress.
The gospel for Easter’s seventh Sunday is always taken from the long prayer Jesus prays for his followers in John’s gospel on the night before his death, and always includes Jesus’ desire that his followers will be one as he and the Father are one. This oneness is not mere doctrinal agreement or institutional unity, but mutual abiding, interpenetrating life, mutual love, and joy. This oneness is the work of the Spirit whom we have received but also await. Come, Holy Spirit!
Scripture Introductions Copyright © 2024 Augsburg Fortress.
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 In the days between Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost, Peter oversees the process whereby one of the members of the community of believers is chosen to be the twelfth apostle, in order to fill the vacancy created by Judas’s treachery and death.
Psalm 1 The Lord knows the way of the righteous. (Ps. 1:6)
1 John 5:9-13 God has borne witness to the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in the Son of God believes in the witness of God and has the promise of eternal life.
John 17:6-19 In this reading the church hears Jesus’ words on the night before his death—his prayer for his disciples and for all who would believe in him through their words.
Fellowship Time
You are invited to stay after worship for refreshments and fellowship time in the gathering space.
West Music Company – Music Therapy
Sound Reach, a vocal music-making opportunity for groups or individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities will rehearse on Tuesdays from 5:45 – 6:30 pm in the sanctuary at church. For more information visit their website: https://musictherapy.westmusic.com//
Royal Ball Run for Autism
Royal Ball Run for Autism is an organization in the Quad Cities. This organization is near and dear to All Saints Lutheran Church. There are several fundraisers and activities scheduled. The funds help area families receive services they need. For more information on Royal Ball Run for Autism visit their website: www.royalballrun.com
Donations through All Saints
All Saints Lutheran Church will be collecting money for Royal Ball Run for Autism. We have done this in the past so that All Saints Lutheran Church’s name is published as a Royal Supporter on the back of the Race and Volunteer tee shirts in June. Please write your check out to All Saints Lutheran Church and note on the memo line “Royal Ball Run”. If you prefer to give cash, please make sure the envelope has “Royal Ball Run” on the outside of the envelope with your name. All Saints will write one check at the end of May to Royal Ball Run.
Council Meeting
The church council will have their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 14th at 6 pm in the church library.
Sound Reach Concert
Sound Reach, a vocal music-making opportunity for groups or individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities, will have their spring concert on Tuesday, May 21st at 5:45 pm in the sanctuary at church. All are welcome!
Grace Lutheran Church Invites You
Grace Lutheran Church (1140 E. High Street, Davenport) invites you to donate blood at their blood drive with ImpactLife on Thursday, May 23rd from 2 – 6 pm in their multipurpose Room A.
Appointments are not required, but they are preferred. To book your appointment, contact Mark at majepson55@netscape.net, scan the QR code on the flyer hanging on the kiosk at church, or visit www.bloodcenter.org and use group #134. The last date to donate elsewhere is 03/28/2024.