In Case You Missed It

Children’s Sunday School Teachers Needed

Sunday school lead teachers and helpers are needed to teach our youth during the program year (September – May). Marilyn and Julie will teach during the month of September. Sunday school will meet 9:00 – 9:45 am Sunday mornings.

Please see Amanda or Marilyn if you have questions about teaching or Sunday school in general. Sign up on the kiosk in the gathering space for the weeks you will teach our youth this year.

From the Pastor – September Newsletter Article by Pastor Pokora

The Labor Day holiday marks a great transition in our society.

Schools now begin their academic year. Summer comes to an end, while autumn lies ahead of us. Vacation activities conclude. We begin to turn our heads toward Thanksgiving and Christmas. Older children leave for college.

The church also goes thru a transition in September. Educational classes begin at church. Attendance at worship services increases.

I like the relaxed pace of the summer months. But time passes swiftly.

The truth is we are always in a state of transition. Every day is a new day. Change is constant.

This past week I received a note that a woman I have known for many years passed away after struggling with an illness. Her death reminds me how change takes place with us individually. We grow older.

Change not only means we grow older, but our children become adults and have children of their own. Suddenly we have grandchildren and the whole family cycle begins all over again.

As a child I thought of change as always offering new possibilities. But as an older adult I see change now as both beginnings and ending. I have seen the positive and negative sides of change.

As Christians, we see change as always a challenge for us. We believe God to be the author of all change. He sets our lives in motion and brings everything to a conclusion. He walks with us through the ups and downs of life.

As we enter this new season of the year, let us approach the future with a positive attitude. Let us see change as opening up new possibilities. May we discover Christ in all that lies ahead.

Memorial Garden

The memorial garden foundation has been completed on the back lawn of the property, to the west of the lower parking lot. Plants will be added next spring.


There are a few Thrivent tee-shirts and Royal Ball Run tee-shirts available on the back pew in the sanctuary. Please help yourself or let the office know so they can be set aside for you.

From the Financial Officer

  • Undesignated Monthly Offering Received during July 2022 (need $7,667)
    • $7,010.00
  • Designated Offerings Received during July 2022
    • $430.00 was donated to the Food Pantry
    • $40.00 was donated to the Happy Hearts Hopeful Future fund (goes directly toward the mortgage principle)
  • Mortgage balance as of July 31, 2022
    • $158,402.41
  • 2022 Year to Date Undesignated Giving is behind $6,602.00


Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Hellen Keller

Please check the kiosk for volunteer opportunities at church – sign-up if you are called to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ. Read about church and community happenings on the kiosk.

Do you know of a community event that others may like to know about as well? Please get the information to the office so items can get on the kiosk for our church community to see.

From the Office

You may call, e-mail, or put a form under the office door (located on the kiosk or in the mailbox outside the office door) to communicate with the Director of Communications. We ask that items be in the office by 9:00 am on Mondays to ensure announcements and/or articles make it into the e-weekly on Wednesdays and items be in the office by 9:00 am on Thursdays to ensure announcements and/or articles make it into the Sunday bulletins. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.