May Happenings

Confirmation Class

Confirmation continues to meet Sunday morning at 9 am, but will have an additional class Sunday, May 1st from 12 – 3 pm.


The All Saints Lutheran Church council will meet Tuesday, May 10 in the library for their monthly meeting at 5:15 pm.

KW RED Day Event

Keller Williams’ associates and partners will come together to package and distribute Hygiene Items and food to families on May 12th. They have partnered with All Saints Food Pantry in Davenport. Fifty percent of all sales will be donated to our effort. All orders can be picked up Saturday, April 30 between 8 am and 12 noon.

Sound the Alarm Save a Life

The Salvation Army invites you to join them on May 14 from 9am-2pm. American Red Cross volunteers, fire departments and partners will install 50,000 free smoke alarms nationwide. Working smoke alarms can but the risk of death from home fires in half. Experience a rewarding day connecting with other volunteers and the families you’ll help.

To volunteer, visit, email, or call. See the kiosk for the flyer and volunteer application forms.

Semi Annual Congregation Meeting

You are invited to attend the Semi Annual Congregation Meeting that will be held follow worship on Sunday, May 22, 2022. At this meeting the congregation will elect church members to fill various vacancies (Vice-President, Financial Officer, ministry team, audit committee, synod assembly, nominating committee, etc.), approve past congregation meeting minutes, and celebrate the past year at All Saints Lutheran Church. 

Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to serve All Saints Lutheran Church as an elected member of the congregation. If you are being called to serve or would like to serve, let a member of the current nominating committee know by Sunday, April 24th (Julie S., Tom S., Jim L., and Kristen R.) so you can be added to the election ballot.

Worship Planning

The worship planning team will meet Tuesday, May 24 at 5:00 pm in the library to plan the season of Pentecost Summer.