All Saints Lutheran Church will convene a congregational meeting on Sunday, September 12th, to consider a proposal by the sign committee and recommended by the church council to refurbish the sign in front of the church building.
Several observations may be made about the present state of the church sign.
The brick base of the sign is crumbling and held together by a strap. A crumbling sign base does not reflect a positive image of the church, nor attract visitors to the church.
The lettering on the sign fails to attract attention and is too small to be seen by individuals driving by on Jersey Ridge. Additionally, the message on the sign is difficult to change and makes timeliness an issue.
A church sign has several necessary functions. First, the message and related information must be clearly visible to the public. Secondly, information conveyed by the sign must not only inform, but attract visitors to the church.
All Saints Lutheran Church has lost ninety percent of its membership over the last twenty years and needs to attract new members. Unfortunately, the congregation has not brought in new members, despite an excellent facility, active ministry, ideal location and friendly membership. The good news about the ministry of the church has not reached the public.
A refurbished sign ought not only provide information, but offer that information about programs and ministry in ways that attracts potential visitors.
Sign technology has advanced in recent years. Today, digital technology makes it possible to create signs that attract attention with motion, color and timely change of message.
Refurbishing the sign carries a cost the church must address. Special financial donations are requested for this project. Ultimately, sign costs may be included in the church mortgage with minimal effect on the annual operating budget of the church.
Jim Low arranged for a similar, but portable sign to be placed adjacent to the present sign to give the congregation a view of what might be accomplished. Interestingly, new visitors attended worship services the day the temporary sign was placed outside.
Growing churches in our community have successfully taken advantage of new sign technology to grow their congregations.
No one can guarantee a new sign will create church growth. But one thing may be said with certainty. The present sign does not attract visitors and potential members to our ministry and that is a problem for us.