Our Daily Bread Devotional Booklet
The December, January, February Devotional Booklets are now available in the gathering space. Please take one home with you!
ELCA Good Gifts Angel Tree
There will be gift tags on the angel tree for different ELCA Good Gifts again this year. Please consider taking a tag and placing the amount in an offering envelope, marked for the item on the tag. Families can take the tag (ornament) home for their own Christmas tree. There are also Christmas cards by the tree to take if you would like to inform a family that you have given a gift to ELCA Good Gift program in honor of your relationship with that family. We all have so many items to dust and manage, the items from the ELCA Good Gift program are life changing, which is what the birth of Christ was for all of us.
Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting
Sunday, December 2 @ 11:45 am All Saints Lutheran Church will hold their Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting in the sanctuary. This meeting is primarily to discuss and vote on the budget for the 2019 calendar year. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend!
Salvation Army Meal Site
Tuesday, December 4 All Saints will be preparing and serving a meal at the Salvation Army Meal Site. The meal site has been moved to Zion Lutheran Church in Davenport. The sign-up sheet is located in the gathering space at church on the kiosk.
Fellowship Saturday
Fellowship Saturday will take place on Saturday, December 8 from 4 – 7 pm in the gathering space. Pat Howell will host a Euchre Tournament. Sloppy joe’s, coffee, and water will be provided. Please bring snacks to share. If you don’t play Euchre, still plan on coming for fun and fellowship (just bring your favorite card game). Let Pat know if you plan on participating in the tournament, so she can have enough supplies ready (285-9895). All are welcome!
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Two worship services will be offered this year on Christmas Eve. One at St James Lutheran Church at 4:00 pm and one at All Saints Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm. There will not be worship on Christmas Day at either church.