Christ has Risen! He has risen indeed, Alleluia! These are the words we will robustly proclaim as a congregation throughout this Easter season. The Lord is not dead in a tomb, or enshrined behind glass, God is living and active among us through Christ, who has conquered the grave forever.
It is awesome to say these words on Easter Sunday. The church is decked out in lilies, Easter eggs are planted all around the property, special breakfast foods are laid out, big songs are sung, we are in the Easter mood. The good news, Easter is more than one day. After the eggs are found, after the lilies droop, after the last note is played, Easter is still happening. In the church year, Easter is a season. We have 8 Sundays set aside to celebrate, leading right up to Pentecost. But even still, we celebrate Easter for even more than 8 Sundays.
Every Sunday is a mini-Easter celebration. Every Sunday we proclaim Christ crucified and risen. We are called by God to be an Easter people. We are baptized into Christ’s death, and also Christ’s resurrection. Our own rebirth as Easter people happens at the font. So, as we move through this season, we proclaim Christ has Risen! And after, when our 8 specials Sundays have passed, we still proclaim He has risen indeed, Alleluia.
-Pastor Amy
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