Volunteer Opportunities

Salvation Army Meal site

Tuesday, September 5th is All Saints’ next time to prepare a meal to serve at the Salvation Army Meal site (301 W. 6th St, Davenport). KD is heading up this service project. If you have any questions, contact her at kalberkd@gmail.com. She has planned a meal of: Sloppy Joes, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Jell-O Salad, Cookies/Bars, Milk, and OJ. Please sign-up on the “Many Hands Make Light Work!” wall located in the gathering space on the kiosk to donate food, money toward food, prepare the meal, serve the meal, and/or clean up after the meal.

Clothing Closet Work Day

Saturday, September 9th from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm there will be a clothing closet work day. Contact Sheryn Levings if you have questions or can help.

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