Together in Christ Parish

Shared Ministry Update

There will be a joint worship service (St. James and All Saints) at All Saints Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 6th at 10:30 am. This will be Pastor Amy’s first Sunday with the Together in Christ Parish and the worship service will include her installation by Pastor Paul Ostrem, Southeastern Iowa Synod Assistant to the Bishop. There will be a meal directly following the worship service in the All Saints fellowship hall (lower level). The main dish, dessert, and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share.



The Honoring Our Heritage: The Reformation committee is hosting a book discussion on the book together by grace –Introducing the Lutherans on three Sundays in September (10, 17, and 24) from 10:15-11:15 am, in the upstairs Conference Room. If you are interested in attending and want a book, please contact Joyce by August 15 via email at or via phone at 563-343-3404. The committee will purchase books (one per family unit), so please let Joyce know by AUGUST 15 if you will be attending and want a book.

together by grace is a book of articles that “explore the rich and lasting legacy of Martin Luther and the Reformation. This legacy consists not only in the theology Luther articulated…but also in the witness of many individuals who have been shaped by the Lutheran Christian tradition…”. It was compiled by Kathryn A. Kleinhans, and consists of several articles in six general topic areas: The Faith We Confess, From the Sixteenth Century to Today, Worship and the Arts, Faith Active in Love, Being Lutheran Together in a Wider World, and Voices and Places: Stories from the Global Lutheran Family.

Questions?  Contact Joyce

Members of All Saints church are cordially invited to attend and are welcome to attend our church service prior to the discussion group meeting.

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