Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to serve God at All Saints by opening our hearts, opening our hands, and opening our lives. Are you able to help in the All Saints garden, food pantry, clothing closet, during worship (assisting minister, usher, etc.), property upkeep, etc.? If so, please sign-up on the “Many Hands Make Light Work!” wall in the gathering space. What is Jesus calling you to do? Get busy and proclaim the gospel!
From the Director of Music Ministries
There are several green Lutheran Book of Worship hymnals available at church. If you are interested in having one for your family, please contact Matt, Director of Music Ministries (mr.matthew.reece@gmail.com), Kristen, Director of Communications (office@allsaintsdavenport.org), or help yourself to one – they are located in the gathering space.
From the Director of Communications
If you have prayer requests (additions or removals), announcements, or dates to be added to the calendar please fill out a Prayer Request Form (blue) or an Announcement Request Form (yellow) located on the “Many Hands Make Light Work!” wall and turn the form into the mailbox located outside the office in the office hallway or send requests to the Director of Communications via e-mail (office@allsaintsdavenport.org). Thank you!
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