Mid-week worship during Lent

Ash Wednesday is today, March 1, 2107! We will worship at 7:00 pm. There will not be a soup supper before Ash Wednesday’s worship.

We will have a soup supper on Wednesdays during the season of Lent (March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and April 5th) at 6:00pm in the gathering space followed by the mid-week Lenten worship service at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. The proclamation team is looking for volunteers to make soup each week. Please sign up on the clipboard on the “Many Hands Make Light Work!” wall in the gathering space. This is a wonderful opportunity to take a break during our busy week to fellowship over food and worship together. We hope you will join us!

There will be worship on Maundy Thursday, April 13th at 7:00pm as well as worship on Good Friday, April 14th at 7:00pm.