This Week
Wednesday, September 7
11:00 am – 2:00 pm Pastor Del office hours
5:45 pm Zumba (fellowship hall)
Saturday, September 10
9:30 am Zumba (fellowship hall)
1:00-3:00 pm Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
Sunday, September 11
8:30 am Men’s Choir Rehearsal (sanctuary)
9:00 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)
9:00 am Children’s Sunday school
10:00 am Worship with Del Preston, Interim Pastor – Holy Baptism
3:30 pm Quad Cities Interfaith 30th Anniversary Celebration @ Freight House
Monday, September 12
11:00 am – 2:00 pm Pastor Del office hours
5:45 pm Zumba (fellowship hall)
Tuesday, September 13
6:00 pm SoundReach rehearsal (sanctuary)
7:00 pm Council meeting
Wednesday, September 14
9:00 am Clothing Closet work day
11:00 am – 2:00 pm Pastor Del office hours
5:45 pm Zumba (fellowship hall)
6:00 pm Bible Study “The Adam’s Family” wk #1
Sunday, September 25
2:00 pm CROP Hunger Walk and Food Drive (see Anne Holtan)
Monday, September 26
6:30 pm Interfaith Women’s Dialogues @ Temple Emanuel (see bulletin board)
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