Imagine the holiday sprint from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I know you probably don’t want to think about it. It’s barely September, after all! But we can help each other through it. We can help each other keep our eyes on Jesus and who and what really matters.
So imagine those 30 days, Thanksgiving to Christmas. Imagine receiving a brief story or thought each day, with a bible verse. Short, sweet. Imagine these thoughts and stories came not from a stranger or “expert” but from an All Saints person like you, doing their best day-to-day to trust God. Imagine their reflections came to you on your time–via Facebook, or email, or All Saints’ website, or in print–whichever is best for you. Imagine each of them as a small invitation into God’s time, to spend a few minutes with God, preparing you for Christ to come.
Imagine what those 30 days could become, what might change about your experience of Christmas, what new seeds of relationship might be planted, how you yourself could be transformed–thanks to 30 extra moments with God, with God’s people.
Can you also imagine you yourself, investing a little time this fall to write out a thought or story to help your friends in Christ stay sane and centered? My dad says his local grocery store has Halloween displays up already. Consider this modest writing effort an act of resistance!
We may keep the calendar, but it is God’s time, for us. The future is God’s good future. The present is where Jesus is for you. The past is full of stories of unnoticed grace.
If you decide to write, you’ll get to choose bible verse you will respond to. Laura Torgerud is coordinating this All Saints Advent Devotion Project. She will finalize the writers by mid-September and collect reflections by the end of October.
Reply to this message, or call, or email if you are interested in writing a devotion or if you’d like to receive them via email or print.
I’m excited. Peace, PC
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