A day after the nation’s biggest shopping spree, life seems to reclaim its natural course. It’s a quiet Saturday afternoon with a light fall chill gently nipping at your nose. But at All Saints, a few members are busy at work.
“I just like, I have fun when I do… the decorating…the trees,” Kalee McCreery breathlessly blurts out as she aimlessly tries to tuck her hair under her Disney princess Santa hat. She’d just put that kindergartner energy to good use by holding the sanctuary doors open as a steady flow of boxes full of Christmas decorations were brought up, then she helped grandma Pat Howell set up the nativity and Christmas village. Yet, and with no surprise, her energy levels were still at 100% and she danced around with joyous proclamation for her love of Frozen.
It’s November 29th and Kaylee’s mom Laura McCreery, Steve and K.D. Kalber, and Pastor Clark are busy getting ready for Christmas. And during this afternoon of hard work, Christmas did what Christmas does best, magic.
As they built the tree they exchanged stories, and naturally it was an intimate affair. These stories of Christmases past and loved ones defined the families who had joined to spread holiday cheer at All Saints. Steve and K.D. Kalber, Laura McCreery with her daughter and mother, and Pastor Clark who was later joined by his own family. But after it was all said and done, the group was no longer made up of families. The group was a family. Gathered around a deliciously aromatic dinner of chili, a well-received reward for a day’s hardwork, the tree stood tall and proud in the background. The tree was topped off with white roses and the rest was covered with twinkling white lights surrounded by scattered red roses and stars of every kind. Perhaps it was the night that turned the group into a family, or perhaps they’ve been a family all along because that’s exactly what it means to be a part of All Saints.
And that tree, that glorious, magnificent tree stood tall to carry out a message. The white roses at the top reflected peace while the red roses seemed to mean love, and the white lights and stars stood for the light that shines during this holiday. This tree, suddenly brought to life by Christmas magic and family, seemed to have made an immediate affect.
“You wanna see something?” whispered Kaylee, covering her mouth, with slight mischief and mostly excitement in her eyes. Leading the way to a “secret” location, she stopped and shyly pointed.
“It’s baby Jesus,” she said with a smile brightening her face and the tree lights shimmering in her eyes. And just like that, Frozen was forgotten and baby Jesus became the star. The majority of the evening was soon consumed with questions about when she’d be able to set baby Jesus down. The group must’ve left knowing that something magical had happened, but in reality nothing out of the ordinary. Besides, this night was just the beginning, or better put, the magic dwells all year-round. It all comes down to observing the details, like the ones on that Christmas tree.
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