New Vision Team May/June Update

On May 6, the New Vision Team welcomed Scott Holtan to the team and focused on stewardship, the Apr 20 One-to-One Training, and All Saints’ Benchmarks.


Scott will join the Stewardship Education team, led by Steph Sampiller. Those trained in Apr already started an initial project of 30-60 one-to-one conversations. The team is excited about the Benchmarks and decided next month (June 3) to focus on Neighborhood Engagement, specifically organizing a neighborhood event and “Prayer Walks” by fall.


It will also discuss “Come Back to Church Day,” adding a non-member to the team, and replacing Katey, who is moving. Feel free to share commendations and recommendations. You can contact us directly: Julie Schoville, Katey Kooi, Scott Holtan, Tim Sampiller, and Pastor Clark.

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